If you spend most of the time on the road than in your office or in your house, then you can use the car battery to charge your laptop is definitely a useful solution for you. Most external laptop chargers have indicator lights that flick when the battery is charging, then stays steady when the battery is fully charged. The major advantage of External Laptop battery charger is rapid charging. If your battery is fixed in place and cannot be detached, you can’t use this solution to charge a computer without a charger. This will only be possible if removing the battery from your laptop is possible. What you actually do is, you remove the battery and connect it to the charger. Please, take a note that you do not actually charge your laptop with this charger. One more advantage of this trick is that you can to charge additional batteries without certainly running out on your laptop battery.
It is important to note that external chargers are mainly model and brand specific and thus, this is suggested that you must buy the one which is compatible with the specifications of your laptop. Once your laptop is completely charged, you can now re-connect into your portable computer.